Heidi - What does "Inner Adventure Yoga" mean to you?


To me it means that adventure is how I view life. I think life is an adventure, and unexpected adventure. Anytime I try to think I know what life’s going to look like, I get thrown a bone by the universe, and it’s up to me to be in a place with yoga to yoke the mind, the body, and spirit, however you want to look at that. It’s up to me to be able to meld into a place that I can actually navigate that adventure of life. For me sometimes that’s out in the mountains. Sometimes it’s on a rock. Sometimes it’s with friends. Sometimes it’s dealing with really painful emotional parts of my life. Sometimes it’s with amazing, happy celebration. And sometimes it’s physical pain, sometimes it’s physical pleasure. All of these things are part of this amazing adventure that is my practice of yoga. The teachings of yoga, for ten thousand years now, have stood the test of time of helping me navigate that. It seems like an adventure to me when you use a word like navigation, but what else is it other than, yoga gives me a map to this adventure on this planet in this body, in this water suite. Or as one of my students calls it his ‘meat suit’. Which is kind of gross, but kind of perfect, right? You are walking around in this suit of meat, and in this suit of meat I’m on an adventure. I get to choose how I travel, and yoga helps me choose a more peaceful way of traveling. Cause I can totally travel with angst and anger and just be a ball of physical, mental, and emotional pain or I can choose to process things and live yoga and just have an easier time.